Friday, September 23, 2011

RE4 == Still Awesome

    So it turns out that I'm defiantly hooked on Resident Evil 4 again.  As said before I'm going to finish it this time and so far the odds of actually finishing it are looking really good.  I'm having such a great time with it, even more so than I can remember.  It does so many things right unlike Resident Evil 5.  Don't get me wrong, I really liked RE5 but it was missing that classic RE tone and I feel that RE4 still had the RE horror that the series was known for.  To me, its such a shame that the series has changed into an action game.  I miss the horror aspect.
   To come to think of it, I never gave RE4 its credit for how genre defining the game actually was back when it was released.  So many games have since taken note from RE4 and its game play.  Most noticeably to me is the camera and how its positioned.  To go back now and think back about how crazy of an idea that it was to have a camera like that is funny because now it feels like the norm.  The complaint I remember having is how tedious the inventory system was and today it holds the same frustrations but its certainly not game breaking.  Switching between weapons can also be a pain because you have to go into the menu to equip them.  You think they could of added a quick select option for this version.
    Like I said, I'm loving my experience with the PS3 version of RE4.  Not sure what stopped me from finishing it before but I'm certainly not going to let anything stop me this time.  Maybe I'll try to write up a little review when I'm done?  Not sure, but I'll make sure to find time to try.


  1. I'm thinking about getting this as well. This game is so memorable for me. It'd be great to play through it again. How does it look in HD?

  2. The funny thing about the whole HD-ifying of RE4 is that it really doesn't seem all too HD. Still has a lot of muddy textures and some of the menu stuff looks a little off. Looks like all they did was enhanced the game to fit the 16.9 aspect ratio actually. Surprisingly, the game holds up really well graphically though. It's no Gears by any means but it still looks good.

    Btw. Thanks for the post Matt!
