Monday, September 19, 2011

A New Beginning

     As a kid, I never thought that I would get to the point where a job would get in the way of my life. I was always one to say that would never let a job take over my life and yet I let it happen.  Of course everyone is different and different views on life are essential for making the world turn but I never felt that I fit into the role of the 9 to 5 lifestyle. There was a time when I thought that having a steady job with a decent amount of money coming in was something I wanted. Just to live on my own was a accomplishment that felt great. Really, who doesn't feel great when they first move out from their parents and realize they have their whole life ahead of them? It feels great. Most importantly lets not forget the freedom that you gain too. You make the decisions and you set the rules.

     Right out of high school I just did whatever and had no realization that I should look towards my future and start working towards it.  I ended up getting a full time job and a place to live and just enjoyed my everyday life.  That was all great but now 7 years later I'm not happy with what I'm doing as far as my occupation and day to day life goes.  I need to do something different.  Luckily I finally got some sense smacked into me and enrolled back into school and I got to say, its the best thing I've ever done.  Its such a breathe of fresh air to actually be working towards something.  To have a goal in life. It took a while for me to realize but I now realize that life is too short to just mess around.  Some people can live like that but I can't.  Life it also full of choices and sometimes there are risks involved but that makes you a better person in the end.

Cheers to a new beginning.

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