Sunday, October 2, 2011

Chocobos and Materia in FF14?

    The other day when I was surfing the web I had seen that Square-Enix released a new trailer for the new Final Fantasy 14 update.  Being quite the FF fan I decided to check it out and shockingly I immediately got excited for the game.  A couple of the additions that got me hyped was the fact that they are finally adding chocobos in the game.  I still find it hard to believe that the game has been out for a year now and it does not have chocobos(really?).  Another thing that they are adding is a materia system.  This is what really got my hyped.  I think that the materia  system from FF7 is by far the best weapon system in an RPG.  This addition alone might get me to pay the subscription fee for FF14.
    Last year when I played the beta for FF14, I walked away from it very disappointed.  There was a lot of problems with the game that you simply overlooked because it was very well in beta.  The bad thing of it was when the game was actually released, SE didn't fix most of the problems that plagued the beta.  Luckily SE hasn't charged a monthly fee for the game since its release as far as I know of.  I guess you could look at it as a beta still really.  Its still crazy though that SE would release a game in this state.
    All things considered, I am still on the fence on whether or not I want to jump into a MMO right now (especially after my previous post on having too many games to play).  The one thing SE did do right though is that they got me interested in it again.

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